Statewide Assisters Network Services (SANS)

Rhode Island Health Center Association manages the state’s Navigator Program under a contract with Health Source Rhode Island and the Executive Office of Health and Human Services. Every federally qualified health center and eleven community-based organizations throughout Rhode Island have Navigators ready to help connect Rhode Islanders to health insurance. In addition, Certified Application Counselors are located at several community organizations and are available to provide free and unbiased in-person enrollment assistance.
Navigator and Certified Application Counselor Program
There are 15 Navigator Agencies, including community-based organizations and Rhode Island's federally qualified health centers. These agencies have certified Navigators ready to provide free and unbiased in-person assistance to Rhode Islanders as they compare options and enroll in health insurance through HealthSource RI. Locate a Navigator near you.
Certified Application Counselors
Certified Application Counselors are also certified to provide free and unbiased in-person enrollment assistance to Rhode Islanders. They are typically located in agencies such as community organizations, hospitals, and clinics. View a current listing of agencies with Certified Application Counselor Agencies By City
How to become a Certified Application Counselor Agency
The Rhode Island Health Center Association (RIHCA), under its contract with Healthsource RI (HSRI) and the Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS), is offering Certified Application Counselor (CAC) training and subsequent certification to employees of interested agencies.
The Certified Application Counselor Program is a volunteer program for those interested in providing unpaid, in person application assistance to consumers who want to enroll in health insurance through HealthSource RI. There will be no form of payment from HealthSource RI or the Rhode Island Health Center Association, or any other entity, to the agency or the Certified Application Counselor for this work. Certified Application Counselor agencies must commit to training a minimum of two individuals in order to be considered as a Certified Application Counselor Agency.
Individuals will receive training from RIHCA and be required to successfully complete a certification test.
Interested agencies should complete an application and Letter of Agreement and have both signed by the agency’s executive director/chief executive officer. Forms should be sent to Agencies whose applications are approved will be notified within one week of the receipt of application, and will subsequently be notified regarding training dates and other program details.
For upcoming Certified Application Counselor Training Dates, call 401 274-1771 and leave a message in our General Mailbox to inquire.
Public Policy

Public policy decisions affect the ability of the community health centers to provide high-quality primary health care. The Rhode Island Health Center Association (RIHCA) is committed to monitor and inform the local, state, and national policy that affects the community health centers. We do this by:
- Informing Rhode Island’s community health centers about policies and potential changes to policies that might affect them and their ability to care for their patients;
- Serving as a resource to legislators and public officials as they consider laws and regulations that affect community health centers and the provision of primary care in Rhode Island; and
- Collaborating with state departments and non-profit agencies to implement and improve programs affecting health centers and uninsured and underserved patients.
Learn about the Health Center Advocacy Network
Training & Technical Assistance

RIHCA works continually with health center executive directors and clinical leadership to identify targeted trainings and technical assistance to build health center capacity in operational and clinical areas.
These efforts support the health centers in providing and expanding services for those who need them most. Governance training for consumer members of health center board, risk management training for clinical leadership and staff and technical assistance in areas such as health center data reporting, succession planning and strategic planning are just some of the areas in which RIHCA provides assistance to our members.
Click HERE for upcoming trainings, technical assistance offerings and other learning opportunities
Clinical Quality

RIHCA is committed to supporting the efforts of Rhode Island community health centers in providing the highest quality of care to the patients they serve. RIHCA offers many support services, including training sessions and conferences, educational programs, and publications. For more information, please contact Der Kue, at (401) 709-8973 or via email
Emergency Preparedness

RIHCA leads and facilitates the health centers’ Emergency Preparedness Team, which is comprised of key leadership/staff from across the health centers as well as representatives from the Rhode Island Department of Health (HEALTH) and the Hospital Association of Rhode Island (HARI).
The main purposes of this team are to facilitate the collaboration between health centers, hospitals and other responders in their geographical regions regarding emergency planning, and to assure that health centers are prepared to fulfill their role in the overall state emergency plan. The CHC Emergency Preparedness Team meets quarterly, and members take their knowledge and integrate it into the ongoing emergency preparedness activities at their centers. In addition, they serve as the “resident expert” and point person for the identification of training and technical assistance needs of their center. For more information on our Emergency Preparedness Program, contact Gail Stout via email or by phone at 401 709-8977.
Workforce Development

The Rhode Island Health Center Association (RIHCA) provides resources to community health centers to strengthen the existing workforce and to build a committed workforce future.