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Thank you supporting high-quality care and attending RIHCA's 2024 Annual Meeting

Click HERE to view RIHCA's 2023 Data Brief
Click HERE to view the program
2024 Program Highlights
We were honored to have PCHC's Merrill Thomas open the meeting and thank him for his on-going commitment to community-based primary care.
Representatives from all 8 health centers joined Mr. Thomas in a panel discussion on the successes of their health centers, despite the significant challenges they are all facing.
All of our speakers, directly or indirectly, urged us all to advocate so that all Rhode Islanders, regardless of income, insurance status, of language spoken can continue to access high-quality primary health care!
Annual Award Recipients
Congratulations again to our award winners who exemplify the community health center mission:
Joanne McGunagle, Comprehensive Community Action Program
John H. Chafee Healthcare Leadership Award
Elena Kwetkowski, DO, Comprehensive Community Action Program
RIHCA's Clinical Leadership Award
Brenda Whittle, NHPRI
Jane A. Hayward Citizens Award
We look forward to working with you over the next twelve months to tell our story!

Check back for upcoming events